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The Real Handmaid's Tale

The Real Handmaid's Tale

By Barbara Kay. From our archive: Hitler’s Furies should be read in every Gender Studies program in the West. It treats women with the respect they deserve as complex human beings and the true moral equals of men: equally capable of good and equally capable of evil.

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1812 & The Fathers of Confederation

1812 & The Fathers of Confederation

Several Fathers of Confederation had a connection to the War of 1812. Only two generations separated the peace of 1814 from the Charlottetown conference -- the same lapse of time (fifty years) as between 1945 and 1995, when Canadians of all ages celebrated “Victory in Europe."

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Israel at Peace

Israel at Peace

Only when Palestinians give up on their anti-Zionist dream of destruction will they be able to invest their efforts to creating an attractive polity, economy, society, and culture. Only when Palestinians give up destroying can they build, writes Daniel Pipes.

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Why Marx Is Still (Mostly) Wrong

Why Marx Is Still (Mostly) Wrong

By Paul Hollander. There are two major reasons for being critical of Marxism. The first is that it entails numerous questionable, implausible or erroneous propositions... Secondly because of the consequences of its attempted application by various political systems, suffering, repression and slaughter.

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